Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Vintage Photos Of Vesuvius Erruption, March 1944

Mount Vesuvius, located in the Gulf of Naples, Italy, is best known for its eruption in 79 AD that led to the burying and destruction of the Roman city of Pompeii. Unfortunately, it goes active at least once in a century inevitably destroying everything in it’s reach.

Destructive wall of ice (12 pictures)

The 30 ft (9 m) high wall of ice was pushed out of a lake by a strong wind. It crashed into properties near the shoreline of Dauphin Lake in Canada, destroyed 12 homes and damaged 15.

25 famous numbers and why they are important

Ever since the development of arithmetic people have been fascinated with numbers. Some view them for their esoteric meaning while others see them through a mathematical eyes. Either way, numbers are everywhere and there is no way of escaping them. Some numbers, however, are found more often in our universe than others. These special numbers typically have some unique property that influenced us to add it to our list of 25 famous numbers and why they are important.