40 Search results

For the term "x-ray".

X-Ray of a Pregnant Dog

In this incredible X-ray you can see how large the litter is for this Alaskan Malamute mom. It’s easiest to try to count by the number of skulls but even that is no simple...

X-Ray Pictures Of Animals

The way those pictures have been taken makes them resemble art more than anything else. Enjoy this very pretty and unusual way to look at animals!

X-Ray Portraits of Couples by Ayako Kanda and Mayuka Hayashi (4 pictures)

It’s always interesting when artists explore intimacy because of how it affects us all on a primitive and emotional level. Japanese student-artists Ayako Kanda and Mayuka Hayashi have created a prize-winning series of images that explore our relationships with each other in an interesting way – by using x-ray images to strip away the skin, hair and flesh that we usually associate with intimate contact.