Get Your Garden Summer Sunshine Ready

A new study has shown that 50% of Americans regularly spend time gardening. It may just be simple tasks, like mowing the lawn or planting a few seeds, but all these little things make the garden a wonderful place to spend your leisure time. Even better, getting your garden ready for the summer means that you will have the perfect outdoor space to have friends over, a brunch in the sunshine or a lazy Sunday barbecue.

Fill your garden with herbs

Even if you only have a small backyard, you can still grow herbs in pots – they will flourish in the summer sunshine, especially Mediterranean varieties like Greek basil, oregano and marjoram. Not only can you use them for cooking, but they will also fill the air with a beautifully fresh scent. Look for some of the more unusual varieties, such as ginger mint and lemon balm – these grow exceptionally quickly, even in poor soil conditions. A few leaves are also extremely tasty in a gin and tonic or a mojito. Perfect for a Friday night!

Protecting yourself from the midday sun

If you’re living in some of the warmer states, temperatures will regularly be 90°F in the summer months. In the heat of the midday sun, you will want to protect your skin from the UV rays. You can set up garden furniture with parasols if you’re eating outside. However a more permanent and effective solution would be opting for retractable awnings. An awning can be fixed to the side of your house and opened up only when you need shade. It can help keep you cool, even in the late August sunshine.

Organize some outdoor furniture

One of the best things about spending time in your garden in the summer, is simply being able to hang out, reading books, listening to music and relaxing. When you’re getting your space ready for the summer, don’t forget to organize your lounging furniture. It may be that you’ve already got deckchairs in the garage. Now is the time to dust them off and give them a good clean. If you haven’t got furniture and you’re on a budget, a hammock is a good option. Just pour yourself a margarita, close your eyes and imagine you’re in the Caribbean.

With a little preparation your garden will be ready for the summer season. You can have a great time relaxing in your garden, entertaining and chilling with friends and famil