A Perfect Essay for Australian Students: 5 Easy Steps to Follow


A writing assignment is one of the most interesting and challenging tasks a student can get. Because of this, many students both love and hate it. What about you? Do you enjoy such assignments? If not, it may be, that you just need some practical guidance to learn to create them as well as possible.


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Do you study in Australia? Then, this task becomes even more challenging. However, it gives you a unique chance to showcase your knowledge, originality and writing skills. So, the approach “just pay to do assignment for an Australian student” is not good enough anymore. Now, it is time to start: follow these 5 easy steps and create your best paper !

Get Some Background Information

Unless you are going to work on a reflective essay, get some background information about the topic. Research the relevant sources: libraries, publications, expert opinion. Maybe, you even can get in touch with some professionals? There are so many options now to connect with people, even with the leading scientists and researchers.

Mark everything that touches you, every thought and idea which you find interesting. Later, you may forget about them, and they could build up the most interesting part of your assignment. Citations? Mark them all according to all rules, just imagine how it will facilitate your task in the future!

Writing a Good Introduction Is Important

What is an introduction, by the way? Do you know how to draft it correctly? Some students prefer something lyrical in the introduction, and this is fine if the topic is connected with the essay’s topic. Also, you can present some opposing views and invite your reader to a discussion.


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In short, the main idea of the introduction is to engage the reader and make him want to read your essay. To do so, start your essay with a hook, which will catch the reader`s attention and keep it until the main part starts.

Give Full Coverage of the Assigned Topic in the Essay’s Body

Here, your main task is to show why you have selected the topic. Discuss here all ideas you would like to discuss. Any arguments and contra-arguments? Give them here. Do you have some theories? Present them and give proofs of their validity.

Here, you use all materials you have researched. Are there any reliable research results or statistical results? Use them to prove your theory. Can you substantiate your idea with an expert opinion? Do it, use a citation. Give the reference to the source you have used.

Don’t forget that your paper is not a set of unconnected stories. Connect all paragraphs to each other. Check properly if you have shown these connections by using the appropriate words, like “Furthermore,” “by contrast,” and similar. Make sure all transitions are smooth and logical.

Make the Conclusion Short and Comprehensive

The conclusion shows the results of your work. Doesn`t it look like an afterthought like you have forgotten something and now, want to add it in conclusion? Well, if you have forgotten something, just incorporate it into the essay’s body.

It may sound strange, however, it is effective to think of a conclusion like of another sort of introduction. Here, you again make the summary of your paper. Make sure you refer here to the hook you have already used in the introduction. It is called the echoing effect, and it will reinforce the ideas which you have provided in the introduction.

The conclusion is also the part of the writing assignment where you give the final statement, make a conclusion. What your ideas have been proven? What hasn’t been proven and why? Are there any more questions to discuss? Why do you believe your paper was worth working on?

How Often Should You Revise Your Essay?

The correct response should be “always.” However, if it is not the case, it is time to improve. Always revise any writing assignment which you have completed. You will be surprised how many minor errors you will find each time you are reading it again. Running a spell-check tool is a good idea, and for 90% of mistakes, it helps. However, what about that 10 %, those that the tool will not detect?

If you have an opportunity, ask somebody to read your paper once more. Some parts may seem very clear to you, however, another person might find them difficult to understand. This way you will have a chance to make your assignment perfect.


Writing a paper is a complicated task, especially, if you are an Australian student, because this means additional responsibility and stricter requirements. However, that is why the writing process can turn into something really engaging. Just follow the steps given above and create the paper of your life.