Smart Ways To Save Money At Restaurants

Five Money-Saving Tips To Manage Your Dinner Tab

An American household spends an average of $3,000 a year when dining out according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Believe it or not, that’s $250 a month! Are you thinking of all the ways you could use a couple hundred dollars if it wasn’t spent on food?

Whether you dine out occasionally or daily, it’s time to give your wallet a much needed break. Here are five simple tips and tricks to easily manage your dinner tab.

1. Scan Social Media Platforms

Restaurants often share their deals and specials on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Follow establishments to quickly scan their available offers. As an added bonus you’ll get to see all of the pictures they post of their tasty treats.

2. Use Discount Gift Cards

Have you ever heard of a site called Gift Card Granny? Granny is a platform that allows consumers to search for and compare thousands of discount gift cards from (think of the Kayak of discount gift cards). Granny helps users find discount gift cards for popular restaurants such as Cracker Barrel, Applebee’s, TGI Friday’s and Domino’s. Cards can save shoppers anywhere between 5 percent to 35 percent depending on the brand.

Combine discount gift cards with coupons, promo codes and other money-saving techniques to get the best deal.

3. Go Couponing

It can be tempting to automatically toss the coupons that arrive in your mailbox. But did you know you’re throwing money away?! Take a few seconds to quickly scan the circulator for coupons to local restaurants and fast food establishments such as Burger King, Arby’s and Steak ‘n Shake.

4. Avoid Drinks (Other Than Water)

The prices of soda, coffee and tea can quickly add up. Not to mention the expense of an adult beverage! While it may sound boring, stay away from the extra costs and stick with water. If you like a nice glass of red or white wine with dinner, find restaurants that permit a BYOB option for a small fee.

5. Sign Up For Loyalty Programs

Restaurants often have loyalty programs in place to provide enticing offers to customers. Sign up and receive featured promotions to your email or mailbox. Why not be rewarded for dining at your favorite eatery?

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