5 Great Ideas for Start-up Online businesses

Thanks to the internet, being an entrepreneur no longer means having to open a physical store from which to sell your goods or provide services. The web opened up limitless opportunities and leveled the playing field somewhat through allowing anyone who had the desire to start their own business and be their own boss to be able to do so. There are many advantages to starting a business online, including low costs, the ability to reach a lot of potential customers, and having a platform to showcase your skills.

Whether you’re looking to commit to your new venture full or part-time, see below for our list of great ideas for Start-up online businesses:

online business

1. SEO and Social Media Consultancy

The internet has spawned the growth of many new industries, the biggest of these being search engine optimization and social media. Every website on the internet needs to follow a number of structural and content guidelines in order to rank well in search engines and be found by prospective visitors. This is where Search Engine Optimization comes in as you can outsource your expertise in the field to busy site owners and organisations. In the same way, social media is also an important part of outreach on the internet and so people with skills in this area are also well sought after.

 2. Web Design and Coding

Another service for which there is always a ready market and massive demand is web design. This includes designing and building digital properties such as websites, with knowledge of coding an added advantage. Everyone wants an attractive website that showcases their products and services well, -giving you an opportunity to build your portfolio and career in the space.

 3. Online Affiliate site

Online gambling and in particular bingo is currently experiencing exponential growth at the moment and the competition between providers has opened up lucrative opportunities for marketers. By starting an online bingo affiliate site similar to Bingosites.uk you can get paid for sending visitors to any of the services they click on from your website; the bigger the number, the bigger the opportunities to earn.

 4. Niche Retailing

While the internet democratized the art of doing business, the retailing space has eventually become dominated by a handful of big shopping sites such as Amazon which makes it difficult to get started in this sector. However, opportunities exist in niche areas because while bigger sites offer low prices and convenience, modern consumers still appreciate well made, unique, or even quirky products. Ideas for a niche retailing start-up include selling handmade crafts on online sites like Etsy, or perhaps gluten-free or vegetarian foodstuffs for example. No matter how niche your venture is, the internet gives you access to potentially millions of people.

Rather than try and compete with popular or established sites and their financial might, it is wiser to focus on a niche field which you know well or are passionate about for a better chance of success.

 5. App Development

The coding skills mentioned above with regards to web design can also come handy in the field of App Development. As the web is increasingly accessed on mobile devices, apps have grown into the new websites and so developers are always in demand as everyone looks to have a presence online and on the app stores as well. Business opportunities here include creating your own apps such as games, or outsourcing your services to others for a fee.

There are many ways to get started in business online and the five mentioned above are just a tip of the iceberg. Nowadays no matter what you’re good at, passionate about, or have lots and knowledge and experience in, it can be turned into a business online, so what will you create?

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