Inside The Titanic II: Identical Replica Of Titanic To Set Sail In 2018

The Australian businessman, Clive Palmer, has an unsinkable dream: to have a replica of the Titanic set sail. Now, 106 years after the untimely end of the ship’s namesake, the Titanic II is planned to embark on its maiden voyage from Jiangsu in Eastern China to Dubai.

“The new Titanic will of course have modern evacuation procedures, satellite controls, digital navigation and radar systems and all those things you’d expect on a 21st century ship,” assures James McDonald, the marketing director of Blue Star Line.

For example, the new ship will have a 2,700 lifeboat capacity for its 2,435 member crew, as opposed to the original’s lifeboat capacity of 1,178 for its 2,223 passengers.

Titanic in dry dock, 1912
Colorized photos of the Titanic
Wreck of the RMS Titanic

Grand staircase

Historically, the grand staircase was reserved for first-class passengers.

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Café Parisien

Built to look like a sidewalk cafe in France, the Café Parisien was also reserved for first class passengers.



The Smoking Room

Resembling a London gentlemen’s club, was a place for men to relax.


The pool

On the original ship, the pool was filled with salt water after the ship had set sail.

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The first class dining saloon

The first class dining room spanned the entire width of the ship.

 titanic-2-replica-real-size-clive-palmer-13 titanic-2-replica-real-size-clive-palmer-12 First class stateroom

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Turkish bath


Second class cabins


Third class dining saloon

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Marconi room, where “state of the art” technology allowed passengers to send messages


The bridge

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The original Titanic


Titanic II


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