Photographer Reveals Where Syrian Child Refugees Sleep

Magnus Wennman, an award-winning photojournalist from Stockholm, has published a gutwrenching photo series revealing what is happening to the children in the Middle East and on Europe’s doorstep as they flee the conflict in Syria. To create “Where The Children Sleep,” he traveled throughout the regions where these children and their families are fleeing to to tell us their stories.

In an interview with CNN, Wennman, who took the photos for the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, said that the conflict and the crisis can be difficult for people to understand, “but there is nothing hard to understand about how children need a safe place to sleep. That is easy to understand,” he said.

“They have lost some hope,” Wennman added. “It takes very much for a child to stop being a child and to stop having fun, even in really bad places.”

For more pictures please visit Wennman’s Instagram

Syria three years of horror
Shocking images from war in Syria that won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize

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