Refik Anadol’s Infinity Room Will Trip You Out

Refik Anadol is an artist and director from Istanbul, Turkey and he currently lives and works in Los Angeles, California, where he also lectures at UCLA’s Department of Design Media Arts.

‘Infinity Room’ is an immersive environment project and part of the artist’s ongoing ‘Temporary Immersive Environment Experiments’ which studies audio/visual installations by using a state called ‘immersion’—a state of consciousness where “an immersant’s awareness of physical self is transformed by being surrounded in an engrossing environment; often artificial, creating a perception of presence in a non-physical world”.

‘Infinity Room’ is currently on exhibition at Artnivo’s ’40 Meters 4 Walls 8 Cubes’, in collaboration with the Istanbul Biennial at the Zorlu Performing Art Center from now until November 1, 2015.

For more pictures and information please visit artist’s Website | Facebook | Behance | Twitter | Vimeo

[via Behance]

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