Amazing Modern Remakes Of Famous Paintings

We all probably know these beloved Western art masterpieces, but not like this! 

It all began when partnered with Adobe to create the Remake project, which invited students across the U.K. to recreate classical paintings with photography. According to the competition’s requirements, none of the images could be Photoshopped – “all the work here happens before you take the photo, rather than afterward.”

Not all of the images are from and Adobe’s competition – a few have been floating around online from other sources. However, they all follow the same rules – re-create classic art without using digital effects. The coolest thing is that they feature various levels of interpretation – some people went for picture-perfect representations, while others opted to focus more on the general themes that the original artwork represents, or to present the same idea or scene in a modern light.

If you like this post see also Classic Paintings Recreated With Celebrity Faces

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