Berlusconi Will Take Care Of Elders As A Punishement For Fraud

Former Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi will visit a center for the elderly and will work there as a volunteer. That’s how he will serve his one year sentence for tax fraud.

Couple of hours  of community service per week doesn’t seem like a fair punishement for defraudation. So what is the reason behind such a change of plans? Berlusconi is simply too old to serve time in jail; at least this is the official explanation.

He is known as a master of faux pas when it comes to official appearances. He left Chancellor Angela Merkel hanging awkwardly becasue he was on a phone. He constantly makes sexual advances at every woman he meets, especially in front of cameras. He referred to President Barack Obama as a ‘tanned boy’. His numerous affairs with pretty and well-paid girls left everyone disguisted (and maybe a little bit jelaous?) . And now he is supposed to help out old people in their daily activities. Imagine how happy they are…

If you’re not familiar with Berlusconi’s doucheiness, we have a little something for you!

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