No More Woof: small gadget to translate animal thoughts into human language

No More Woof uses the latest technology in micro computing and EEG to analyze animal thought patterns and spell them out in Human Language using a loudspeaker. But we admit, we are optimistic dreamers, so even more importantly we want to raise AWARENESS about this area of science, and point others to the potentials!

Among the patterns we have found are “I’m Tired”, “I’m excited” and possibly “I’m Hungry” and the clearly intense brain activity  when a dog sees a new face, that we translate into: “Who Are you?”. So far we have funded this project all by our own means, and we have deliberately set the amount of money we want to raise really low, not to get peoples hopes up. In the end, this will only be the start of future development!

As we see it, by pre-ordering your own set of No More Woof, you are not only buying the first edition of a cool product (that might not be perfect) but more importantly, you are showing your support for further research into finally breaking the language barrier between animals and humans. Join the movement!

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