Animal Signs That Planet Earth Is Sick (6 pictures)

Perhaps animals are smarter and more sensitive than homo sapiens give them credit for. Take, for example, the theory that animals can predict earthquakes, a notion that dates all the way back to 373 B.C., when historians reported that creatures such as rats, snakes and weasels hightailed it out of the Greek city of Helice days before it was rocked by a major earthquake.

While much of the evidence is anecdotal and the scientific community has not reached a consensus about whether scurrying animals are a harbinger for environmental disaster, one might consider that if they can predict such seismological shifts, why couldn’t the animal kingdom also be sending signals that our planet is sick? Here are some warning signs that our furry, scaly and winged friends may be sharing with us to portend the danger of climate change and other environmental hazards.

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