Best vintage shots from the life of the rich and famous (20 pictures)

When a well-known American photographer Slim Aarons offered to do a photo shoot of the American troops landing on the coast of Korea, he joked: ‘I am only interested in those beaches are tan girls’. In fact, in these words there was more truth than irony – Slim War brought a strong dislike for military photojournalism.

In 50-70 years, Aarons became famous as a chronicler of the glamorous lifestyle of high society. Enjoy his amazing photos full splendor and luxury.

Aarons created immaculately dressed and completely cloud-free images. In the photos, he did not try to peek into the inner world of the characters, did not invite the viewer to reflect on the vicissitudes of fate.  He avoided even a hint of negative traits or emotions. His images have just glowed with happiness and well-being confident in himself and his people tomorrow.

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