10 life hacks tou need to know for Summer

10 amazing tips and tricks you can use to impress your friends, and make your summer a little easier.

In this video you’ll see how to;

  • Modify your water bottles so you get instant icy cold drinks every time
  • Get rid of ants using popcorn kernels (Natural and non-toxic pest control)
  • Turn your snack bags into custom snack bowls
  • Eliminate fruit flies
  • Make a secret container for hiding your valuable items at the beach
  • Eat a giant hamburger the right way, so the bottom doesn’t fall out
  • Keep a straw in your can of soda so it doesn’t float out
  • Prepare a Mango so you don’t get fiber and pulp stuck between your teeth
  • Modify your popsicles to prevent dripping, and sticky fingers
  • Speed up the lines, and cut down on the mess with condiments at BBQ’s
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