Death Valley and its mysterious Sailing Stones (16 pictures)

Situated within the Mojave Desert, it features the lowest, driest, and hottest locations in North America. This place is filled with beauty, death and strange wonders. Take a look at some of the phenomenons that happen only in this valley.

Some interesting facts include: Badwater, a basin located in Death Valley, is the specific location (36° 15′ N 116° 49.5′ W) of the lowest elevation in North America at 282 feet (86.0 m) below sea level.

Sailing Stones

An unexplainable phenomenon that occurs only in this valley on our planet. Scientists say it is due to temperature drops and crystals that form underneath the rocks that make them slide when they are melting. Whatever it is, these rocks are huge and some weight as much as a grown human being.

These rocks move very far from the rocky ridges of the mountains surrounding over the years, taking a path of their own.” height=”750″ width=”100%” frameborder=”0″>

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