Beautiful bamboo forests (20 pictures)

Bamboo is a grass, but many of the larger bamboo species look like trees. Grown close to each other, they make up amazing forests. Here’s a look at some of those beautiful bamboo forests found worldwide.


Taken while exploring the wilds outside of Kyoto Bamboo Forest. Photo by Trey Ratcliff


Vibrant green. Did you know? There are bicycles and biodegradable electric cars made out of bamboo. Photo by Matt Gibson


Damyang in South Korea “is one of the northernmost places where bamboo can be found on the Korean peninsula, and its bamboo forests are well-known among Koreans. Many touristic attractions have been created to leverage on that reputation: a Bamboo Theme Park / Daenamugol, a Bamboo Museum, a Bamboo Festival, a park filled with green bamboo. Photo by Byoung Wook (Toughkid Kim)


Near Kyoto’s Kodaiji Buddhist temple. Japan declared the gardens of Kōdai-ji as a nationally-designated Historic Site and Place of Scenic Beauty. Photo by Roger Walch


There are too many products to list that have been made out of bamboo, including toilet paper. Photo by Joi Ito


Duel at bamboo forest in an Indonesian village. Photo by alex hanoko


Bamboo field in Kyoto, with a beautiful touch of rainbow. Photo by luke chan


The photographer wrote, “As you hike up to Akaka Falls on the Big Island of Hawaii you will travel through a wonderful fairyland of bamboo.” Photo  by Floyd Stewart


Love found in the DamYang Bamboo forest. “Useless facts” about bamboo: “In South America bamboo is referred to as vegetable steel.” Bamboo may be part of the oldest construction in the world. “In South America there is evidence of a bamboo dwelling built over 9,500 years ago.” Photo by Byoung Wook (Toughkid Kim)


The forest’s eye at the National Park Nahuel Huapi. Photo 39 by Adry


Entering the bamboo forest. Did you know? “1854 – Henricg Globel, a German watchmaker, invented the first true lightbulb. He used a carbonized bamboo filament placed inside a glass bulb.” Then in “1880 – Edison continued to improved his lightbulb until it could last for over 1200 hours using a bamboo-derived filament.” Photo by Vernon Fowler


This panda called Yang Guang is lucky, it feeds on bamboo as he bulks up for the breeding season with partner Tian Tian, at the Edinburgh Zoo. Giant Pandas, Red Pandas, Golden Bamboo Lemurs and Mountain Gorillas all eat bamboo, so habitat encroachment, bamboo deforestation, are dangerous to these animals. Photo by YU-bin


Bamboo survived the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and, in 1945, was the first re-greening after the blast. Photo by Urashimataro


Exploring Korea’s biggest bamboo forest: Jungnokwon. Photo by Nomad Within (Pete DeMarco)


Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on Earth; some species can grow 39 inches (100 cm) in only 24 hours. Photo by David Lanham


The bamboo forest in Kyoto, at the Arashiyama area. It can get very crowded along the path so a clear shot of the incredible bamboo forest is a great and lucky shot. Speaking of “Lucky,” did you know that “Lucky Bamboo, sold in stores and flea markets, growing in water is NOT A BAMBOO. Botanically it is known as Dracaena sanderana.” Photo by Weijie~


Bamboo woods in Japan, but bamboo forests are located all over the world . . . including the USA. Photoby digicacy


At Thomas Edison`s winter home in Ft. Myers, he “also built a swimming pool in 1900 using bamboo instead of steel rods for reinforcing the Edison Portland Cement walls. The pool still works fine and has no leaks.” Photo by PublicDomainPictures


Near Fushimi Inari shinto shrine, Kyoto. When bamboo flowers, they all flower at the same time. However most bamboo species flower infrequently; some only flower at intervals of every 65 to 120 years. Photo by Stéfan Le Dû

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