Landscapes by Leo Caillard (15 pictures)

Leo Caillard has practised photography since the age of 16. It was therefore a very natural choice for him to make it his profession. On leaving Gobelins (School of the Image) in 2008, he became a freelance photographer at barely 23 years old.  He spent the following year in New York. He chose to complete his training there as an assistant to other photographers. This journey also allowed him to develop personal work that he conceived as a series. Retouching and montage quickly imposed as his medium of photography:

“I like to create images at the edge of reality, with a play on pretense.’”

A Landscape series I chose to shoot in very high definition. A work about the action of humans in diverse types of environments; void of activity or full of information. Deserts and metropolises, the North to South, a contemplative view of the world, with no specific location globally.. A panoramic story of earth and man.

For more please vistit Leo Caillard webpage

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