Vertical Horizon by Romain Jacquet-Lagreze (18 pictures)

Romain Jacquet-Lagreze landed in Hong Kong for the first time in 2009. While living in the Yau Tsim Mong area, he became fascinated by the heterogenous character of the city’s urban spaces, with modern buildings side-by-side among traditional tong lau. Driven by an ever-stronger curiosity, he began an intensive exploration of the city, trying to capture its diverse atmospheres. Eventually, he realised that the sole common aspect of all these places was the awe one feels when gazing up at the sky between the huge buildings…

For more please visit artist’s website

Vertical Horizon is a photographic journey between the buildings of a relentlessly growing city. It is a deep immersion into the city’s thick atmospheres and a visual record of its wildly diverse built environment. This book is like a contemplative dive into the raw nature of Hong Kong and an expression of its vertical elan.


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‘Vertical Horizon’ published by Asia One.
Hardcover, 160 pages, ISBN: 9789881531681



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