Creative Food Art by Hong Yi (14 pictures + bonus)

Hong Yi, who goes by the nickname ‘Red’, is a Malaysian artist-architect. She was given the nickname because her surname, Hong, sounds like the word ‘red’ in Mandarin. She also loves how a colour can stir up conflicting emotions – one of love and passion, and of danger and sacrifice.

Hong Yi is a Master of Architecture graduate from the University of Melbourne, and was awarded a Melbourne Abroad Scholarship to study at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands, which broadened her perspective in European arts and architecture. She was Australian national finalist in the SONA Superstudio competition in 2009 and2010, and received the Elenberg Fraser award for Best Presentation in both years. She also received Special Mention for the AA Prize for Unbuilt Works 2010, and featured in the Jan/Feb 2011 issue of Architecture Australia Magazine.

She is also known as the artist who ‘loves to paint, but not with a paintbrush’. Her painting of Yao Ming with a basketball and Jay Chou using coffee were Youtube hits, and she was featured in media around the world including Huffington PostWall Street JournalABC and the Daily Mail. Her other work includes portraits Ai Weiwei using 100,000 sunflower seeds and Zhang Yimou with 750 pairs of socks and bamboo sticks.

She was recently invited to speak in Monterey, California at the EG Conference, which is known as the premiere gathering of and for innovators in media, technology, entertainment and education. She is a currently working in the Shanghai office of HASSELL, an established Australian architecture firm. She absolutely enjoys being an architect by day and an artist by twilight.

For more please visit artist’s website

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Below you can see a creation process of this amazing food art.

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