20 interesting facts about science


The biggest (known) star in the universe – Canis Majoris, could fit 7 000 000 000 000 000 Earths.
In other words, if the Earth was the size of a pea, Canis Majoris would have a diameter of 2.7 kilometers.



Here’s how a sphere of whole water existing on the planet would look in relation to the Earth. (diameter of 1385km).



Fresh water in a liquid state (not counting the glaciers), is only 0.77% of the world water.


Heat Signature of Mimas – Saturn’s moon, is similar in shape to Pac-Man.



Here’s how far the first terrestrial radio transmissions reached  (112 years). Don’t we look ridiculously small?



Aerographite is so light that a lump the size of a bus could you pick up with one hand. It is built from a grid of hollow carbon tubes, so that it can move the load 40 000 times larger than its own weight.



Thinking about end of the world… Do you think any asteroid could crash into our planet? At the moment three objects are under the watchful eye of researchers. Two of them are small enough that the effects of the impact would be local. The biggest threat is the asteroid 1950 DA with a diameter of 1100 meters. Its impact could have global consequences. The chance of collision is low (about 0.33%), and the transition is believed to happen in 2088.


First planet outside our Solar System we discovered in 1990. You could think it’s because there is not many planets in the Universe. Actually it is believed there are 40 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (40 and 21 zeros!) planets. Till now we discovered only about 800 planets.


Currently the largest known star is VY Canis Majoris. Its radius is 600 times larger than the radius of the Sun. However its mass is only 30 times bigger than the mass of the Sun.



The highest mountain in the Solar System is Olympus Mons located on Mars, its height  is estimated at 26 000 meters and the diameter at the base, is over 600 kilometers. On our planet such big mountain could not be created.




In the Solar System, there is one object larger than the planet, although he is not a planet. It’s Ganymede. It is a moon of Jupiter, which exceeds the size of Mercury!




Believe it or not, we are children of the stars and cosmic dust. If the stars did not explode in a spectacular way creating supernovas, there would be no elements necessary for us to live (eg coal). Because the stars are dying, can we live.


Solar prominence compared to Jupiter and Earth.



Every second the Sun creates the amount of energy that would be sufficient for mankind for next million years (with current needs).


Unaided human eye can see from our planet about 6000 stars. However, if we use binoculars, we will see 50,000. It seems a lot, but in the our galaxy is 400 billion stars.


If you were traveling through space at 99.999999% of the speed of light and came back after 10 years of traveling, on the Earth 70,000 years would pass.


Neutron stars are so dense that one tablespoon of the matter, weighs 90 billion kilograms!


If you would like to see the beginnings of the universe just turn on your TV and switch to the channel which no broadcast. Approximately 10% of the noise that we see is the background radiation, sent to us with the creation of the universe.


If you choose the scale that the Earth was the size of a pea, than Jupiter would be in a distance of over 300 meters, and Pluto – about 2,5 km from us (and would be the size of a bacteria so you wouldn’t even see it). The closest star – Proxima Centauri, the closest star (4 light years) would be 16 000 km from us.



If you got into Voyager, you would travel with a speed of 56.000km/h How long would it take you to reach anywhere?

– to the nearest object – the Moon – 6 hours

– to the Sun – 111 days

– to the nearest Star outside Solar System – Proxima Centauri – 77 000 years !

– to Pole Star – 8 000 000 years of travel

– to the nearest galaxy – Andromeda – 48 billion years (to remind you – the universe is 13,7 billion years old


Inspiration: Ilgesu



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