25 Awe-Inspiring Reminders Of Just How Insignificant We Are: Prepare to feel tiny.

One billion stars

Source: Mike Read (WFAU), UKIDSS/GPS and VVV / via: ph.ed.ac.uk

New view of the blue marble

Source: nasa.gov

Furthest-ever image of the universe

Source: nasa.gov

9 billion pixels of the Milky Way galaxy

Source: eso.org

Panorama of Mars

Source: 360cities.net

A not-so-dark “dark core”

Source: nasa.gov

A twister on Mars

Source: nasa.gov

Saturns storms

Source: apod.nasa.gov

European panorma at night from the International Space Station

Source: spaceflight.nasa.gov

The “UFO galaxy”

Source: nasa.gov

Groundhog day on Mars

Source: nasa.gov

The Moon and the Milky Way

Source: eso.org

Thor’s Helmet revisited

Source: eso.org

Enterprise flying over NYC

Source: nasa.gov

Janus, one of Saturn’s creepy moons

Source: nasa.gov

The Pencil nebula

Source: eso.org

Coronal hole on the Sun

Source: nasa.gov

The slow death of R Sculptoris

Source: eso.org

Transit of Venus

Source: Greg Scheiderer / via: seattleastronomy.com

Transit of Venus up close

Source: nasa.gov

A rocket launch over an aurora

Source: eos.unh.edu

Overlapping galaxies

Source: nasa.gov

The remains of supernova W44

Source: sci.esa.int

Orion over the Temple of Kukulkan

Source: Stéphane Guisard / via: astrosurf.com



As seen on Buzzfeed.com

Credit: Nasa.gov

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