Tagged: technology

How Google Has Changed Research for Grad Students

It seems that in the battle of the search engines, Google, is by far the leader, with his powerful and innovative research tools – Google scholar, Google app engine, Google books, Google play, Google Earth, and of course – YouTube, with his EDU feature.

FingerReader: wearable text-reading device

The FingerReader is a wearable device that assists in reading printed text. It is a tool both for visually impaired people that require help with accessing printed text, as well as an aid for language translation.

Life Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

We’ve prepared for you a list of easy but usefull tips and hints to make your life easier. Some of them probably sound stupid but (still) they’re worth trying. And if it turns out they don’t work, you will just end up having at least a little bit fun. Do you have any private life hacks you would like to share?

How Big is Google

Many of us use Google services each day but very few of us ask the question, “How BIG is Google?” Obviously this question cannot be answered directly, however, the sheer size of Google can be realised by the hard facts and figures shown in this short film.

Bionic Hand Restores A Man’s Sense of Touch

Dennis Aabo Sørensen is the first amputee in the world to feel sensory rich information — in real-time — with a prosthetic hand wired to nerves in his upper arm. Sørensen could grasp objects intuitively and identify what he was touching while blindfolded.