Tagged: planet

3 Big Discoveries Made by the International Space Station

We all know it’s awesome, and we could watch Chris Hadfield sing all day, but do you know about the awesome science that’s being done on the International Space Station? Hank explains three big discoveries made on the ISS that you should know about.

How do satellites track climate change?

The world of weather watching is ruled by an armada of satellites that constantly track our weather as it fluctuates day-to-day, but determining patterns over time can help us differentiate exactly when ‘weather’ becomes ‘climate’.

Extrasolar Super-Earth Gliese 1214b Might Hold Water

Recent observations from the Subaru telescope in Hawaii found very little scattering of blue light from the parent star by the planet. This appearsmost consistent with a planet that has a watery atmosphere — although it is still possible that the super-Earth has clouds so thick that little of any color of light was scattered.