Tagged: human

The Male Birth Control Pill Is Coming

Besides condoms and vasectomies, there isn’t much men can do to share the responsibility in birth control. But not for long! Now, researchers have developed a pill that can temporarily render a male mouse infertile. Is it too good to be true?

Placebos & Nocebos: How Your Brain Heals and Hurts You

You’ve probably heard how some drugs and treatments make people feel better, even when they turn out to be fake. That’s the placebo effect, but how does it work? And could the same effect backfire, causing your brain to make you feel sick when your body is not? Michael Aranda fills in for Hank and explains how these effects go beyond mere mind-over-matter.

A Perspective On Time

This infographic shows, in a great way, a very fundamental view of almost every era known to man since the dawn of time, stepping further and further back until we’re finally met with the big bang. It really puts into perspective how tiny our life’s little bubble of time is in the grand scheme of things.