Tagged: health

Gravity and the human body

Our bodies function necessarily under the presence of gravity; how blood pumps, a sense of balance and bone growth are all due to life in a world where gravity is an inescapable reality. Armed with experiments from neuroscientists David Hubel and Torten Wiesel, astronaut Jay Buckey presents a thought experiment: How would our bodies work without the force of gravity?

Pot is NOT a gateway drug!

Pot has been blamed for years as a gateway to doing harder drugs. But new data suggests not only is this blame misappropriated, there’s actually another more accessible and damaging culprit out there…

What are chemical weapons and who has them?

As all eyes are on Syria after an alleged chemical weapon attack near Damascus and reports of military action in response from the West, we look at what CWs actually are and why they have become ‘the red line’.