Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

25 ridiculously unreasonable fears

While some phobias are actually quite useful and probably aided humanity in its survival there are others where it can really be hard to see the usefulness or purpose behind them. From ebulliophobia (the fear of bubbles) to lepidopterophobia (the fear of butterflies) these 25 ridiculously unreasonable fears are hard to justify.

Why We Sleepwalk

Ever known someone to sleepwalk? Or maybe it’s even happened to you. Laci looks at why some people walk in their sleep, and puts to rest the question: is it safe to wake a sleepwalker?

Funny Clothing Tags (22 pictures)

Whether it’s a clothing manufacturer with a sense of humor or a message that gets lost in translation, these launrdy tags have something exciting to say… These instructions are all worth a read…