
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Artist Leaves Funny Signs Around City

Artist Michael Pederson leaves clever little works of art around the city that seem to carry on a conversation with whomever happens to find them. From mock gallery placards to solemn proclamations his works of art are little bites of humor that will brighten your day.

An X-Ray of a Stingray

The photograph above is an x-ray of a freshwater stingray species discovered in 2011 in the Amazon rain forest. The discovery was made by the research team of Nathan Lovejoy, a biologist at the...

The huge dragon head on British coast! (4 pictures)

A few days ago on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset in the UK appeared a giant skull of… dragon. Mysterious object aroused great interest of tourists. The skull looks very old and gives the impression that it was washed up on the shore of the sea.