Tagged: industry

How Graphene Might Change The World

Graphene is the most promising new material out there, likely to revolutionize the way we do or build almost anything. It’s pure carbon, and totally amazing. Trace shows us all the different ways this material could change life on Earth.

What Sells On The Black Market

With the growth of the shadow economy and the surveillance society, it is no surprise that so much is now transacted in the so-called “black-market.”

Have you ever wondered what kind of things are sold on the black market? Well wonder no more. This infographic provides a deeper look into what is sold on the black market.

Private prisons: How US corporations make money out of locking you up

Today the US is home to 5% of the world’s population but a quarter of the world’s prisoners. It also has the highest rate of youth imprisonment and on any given day there are more than 70,000 youths in detention. And the biggest winners of this mass incarceration? The for-profit prison companies whose business models essentially depend on locking more and more people up.

10 Corporations Own Almost Everything You Buy

According to this chart via Reddit, called “The Illusion of Choice,” these corporations create a chain that begins at one of 10 super companies. You’ve heard of the biggest names, but it’s amazing to see what these giants own or influence. Some of these large brands don’t neccesarily own the sub brands, but own a percentage, partner or simply distribute their product.

Is China taking over the world?

As China gets richer and richer, it’s buying up more and more of the world’s natural resources — in particular those found in developing countries where it offers aid, loans and investment in return for raw materials. But although China says this money doesn’t come with political strings attached, critics accuse the superpower of exploitation and colonialism.