Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Why do we clap?

To show approval in a group, humans will often clap for a short period of time. Let’s explore the history and psychology of clapping.

Step Into the Void: extreme attraction in Europe (5 pictures)

You know what they say – if you’re afraid of heights, go to the highest mountain. For those having a chronic fear, here’s an extreme solution – a chance to walk on the glass box, set up 1,035 meters (3,396 ft) high on the Aiguille du Midi, mountain peak of the tallest mountain in Europe – Mont Blanc.

Is the discovery of Global Warming our greatest scientific achievement?

Global warming exists! But how do we know that? It may seem like a simple process of just looking at the temperature from year to year, but it is SO MUCH MORE than that! Our understanding of the global climate comes from a compendium of data including measured and tracked temperature, humidity, wind speed, and barometric pressure, spanning over 100 years of observation!! To study this massive amount of information and be able to surmise that the increasingly extreme and bizarre weather patterns are a result of human influence… it’s truly an incredible accomplishment. So everyone who says during a blizzard “so much for global warming”… shut up. You’re wrong.