Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Moon or Frying Pan?

Images Credit: Frying Pan (Copyrighted): Christopher Jonassen; Moon: NASAExplanation: Which is which? Of the two images shown above, one is a moon in our Solar System, while the other is the bottom of frying pan. We are not making this up —...

Animation basics: Homemade special effects

Animation is used everywhere to communicate big ideas–in movies, television, and media. Do you ever stop and wonder about the magic of it all? And have you ever wanted to create your own special effects? TED-Ed animators show just how easy (and fun) homemade special effects can be.

10 Banned Things On Amazon

Amazon is the biggest online retailer, selling a wide variety of products to suit our every need. But there’s some products that even Amazon can’t sell you.