Category: Articles

How the Technology has Changed the Humble Board Game

If you cast your mind back to previous generations, the concept of entertainment was scarcely recognisable in comparison with today’s technology-inspired age. Without a multitude of television channels to choose from and the digital age still but a distant dream, families and friends interacted in more traditional ways that are increasingly alien in 2015.

3 Interesting Facts about Energy Efficient and Sustainable Living

While everyone understands the importance of energy efficient living and sustainability, there is less knowledge surrounding the practical application of existing measures. This is a huge issue, as it creates a knowledge gap that is extremely difficult to bridge with dedicated advice. In fact, there are a number of surprising facts and facets about energy efficient living, each of which will help you to take a small but actionable step towards modifying your property for the better.

The best UK reality TV shows of all time

Reality TV shows… some would consider them to be the worst thing you could possibly spend your time watching, while others live their lives watching every show that the likes of TLC put out and love every second of it. We thought we would have a quick look at what we think are some of the best reality shows to come out of the UK.