Artist Leaves Funny Signs Around City

Artist Michael Pederson leaves clever little works of art around the city that seem to carry on a conversation with whomever happens to find them. From mock gallery placards to solemn proclamations his works of art are little bites of humor that will brighten your day.

Pederson began his urban mischief in 2013, but not many of his works last more than a month. “I think we travel through urban space without really seeing it most of the time,” Pederson told CityLab. “I like the idea of interfering with the overly familiar background blur … Ideally with something a passerby might see out of the corner of an eye.”

With a background in painting, music and film, it seems like he’ll never run out of ideas. We look forward to seeing what he comes up with next.

For more of artist’s work please visit

Tiny road signs remind city residents animals live there too
Positive warning signs
Signs that just don’t make any sense at all

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