
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Amazing Shadow Photos (17 pictures)

Shadows add facet and significance to an image. They can highlight emotions, create surreal images, and be used in a variety of ways. Shadows create fascinating photos on their own, and they also are gorgeous when paired with their parent object.

The World’s largest 3D street art in Lyon (7 pictures)

Renault Trucks offered members of the public a unique experience on the Place Bellecour in Lyon – an opportunity to enter into the world’s largest work of 3-D street art. This image is a game with perspective. It looks three-dimensional only after looking at it from the right angle. This performance has entered the Guinness Book of Records because of its size (about 4000 square meter of street art).

Mountain villa on the top of apartment block (10 pictures)

Professor Zhang Lin has built a dream mountain villa on top of a Beijing apartment block. He has spent six years shifting rocks and rubble to the roof to create this mountaintop penthouse. The people underneath aren’t too happy because cracks and leaks appeared throughout the apartment block. The construction will be demolished if deemed unsafe.